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Lego Star Wars The Skywalker Saga

The galaxy is yours thanks to LEGO(r) Star Wars(tm): The Skywalker Saga! Play through all the nine Star Wars(tm) Saga movies in an all-new LEGO video game unlike any similar. Experience fun and exciting adventures as well as a sense of comedy as you immerse yourself self in Star Wars' universe.

Explore the galaxy on your own manner with LEGO Video Games. You'll be flying through the most famous places of Star Wars(tm) in the very first game. Star Wars(tm), the Phantom Menace is a great starting point. It lets you hop to Tatooine. It is also possible to jump straight into the adventures of Rey in The Rise of Skywalker in Star Wars(tm): The Rise of Skywalker. Players have the freedom to easily travel anywhere on the planetin any sequence in any order, and at any moment.

Journey to a galaxy far, far away with LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga.