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Citizen Sleeper

Citizen Sleeper The Citizen Sleeper game, created by the same creator as In Other Waters and featuring incredible character art created by Guillaume Singelin is a narrative RPG set on the Erlin's Eye. The station is home to thousands struggling to make it through the interstellar world of capitalist capitalism.

Sleepers are a digitised human consciousness within an artificial body which is owned by a business who wants to get you back. It is your responsibility to find acquaintances, earn your keep and get around this strange metropolis if you want to make it to the next phase.

An abandoned station on the edge of a crisis system. It's run-down and chaotic but it's still alive. It is now anchored by anarchic alliances factions , and the determination to break free of the weight of corporate power.

Each day you rise and determine what you're going to do with your day. You can work in the garden and take a short bar shift. Look through the shops for unusual items or just grab some food from the streets. Form or break alliances find out the truth, and get rid of those that hunt you. A little at a time, learn how to survive and then prosper.

People from all walks of life come to the station in order to make it among the stars. Each character is unique and has its individual story to tell, no matter if they're salvagers or hackers barstenders, or street food vendors. Choose which you would like to support by joining forces to determine your destiny.

For access to digital files in the past, find the new frontiers, as well as discover hidden secrets, you can hack the cloud at the station. You can alter your fate. The secrets of corporate America, the rogue AIs and troves of lost data will be waiting for anyone willing to dig into the murky depths of the network of the station.

Essen-Arp: To them, you're nothing more than property another asset of a portfolio that stretches across the skies. In a universe in which human growth has been defined by the exploitation and extraction of and stealing, you're a in the midst of an unjust system. Escape the makers of the body that is decaying, to chart your own way with a beautifully imagined, highly relevant sci-fi universe that examines the notions of precarity, individuality and the notion of freedom.

Every time you play, you'll roll the dice. It is possible to assign them for any of the possibilities available on the station. You can choose which actions you choose to take and influence the lives and future of other people.

The clocks at the station keep track of your and others actions. Clocks are able to record everything from helping out a Yatagan acquaintance to becoming a local of the Overlook Bar, to how much you've accomplished throughout your life.

You may choose to focus on desires and not follow quests. You will be able to mold the five abilities of your character (Engineer Interface Endure, Intuit and), and unlock perks as well as bonuses that are able to change and reflect how your life.