Moonbury, a small town in the north of England has always been wary about changes in the outside world and prefers traditional healing methods. They are eventually forced to seek help outside of the community, when their daughter, who is the mayor suffers from illness and is unable to be treated by their witch physician.
Your experience as a scientist is what is required when the Medical Association sends you to Moonbury for treatment of the daughter of their mayor. This open-ended sim RPG will help you gain their trust, and take charge of every person that is sick.
Be sure to take care of the residents. Moonbury includes around 30 different residents who may fall unwell and seek your aid. Residents who have been sick may see their lives disrupted as they recuperate in bed.
Determine the symptoms and discover the solution! I wonder if you have... a low heart rate, and an overly bloated liver. Are you suffering from shoulder cramps? No, these are sure indications of burning lung tissue. Patient had eaten excess gelatin. The solution is simple. The only thing you need to do is make one of the Minty Goblets.
Get ingredients across all over the world. Once you've decided on a potion, ointment or salve, collect components from the surroundings making use of the tools. The sickle can be upgraded the axe, hammer and other tools to gain new techniques and swings to help you with your everyday chores. Watch out for changing conditions in the weather! You may find yourself caught on the streets in the rain or a blizzard that is freezing cold, or the scorching temperature of a desert.
Fight off savage creatures for material. There are times when you're not able to gather the materials needed as simply as you can harvest a berry or a berry bush, so you'll need transform your tools into weaponry to gather the materials you need from the swarms of monsters that roam across the surrounding wilds. You can use chemist skills to make various concoctions that will improve your health or cause status issues for your adversaries.
Brew remedies in your cauldron. The components you've collected could be incorporated into the cauldron for brewing medicine, vitamins, and many more. The more advanced recipes are much easier to find when you've gained experience. They call for more ingredientsbut give greater results. Your skills will improve to create more complex remedies by adding more ingredients.
Build relationships with the residents of the neighborhood. It may take some time and your patient's wellbeing will be improved through your efforts. Your practice will develop a great standing and your patients will be more willing to talk to your. It's possible that you'll find yourself getting close to specific students or bachelors.
Improve the condition of the town and its surrounding areas. You will get more approval if you build relationships with the townsfolk. This will allow you to make improvements in your locality, such as improving the public buildings or expanding the areas you can explore. Additionally, you can craft and purchase furniture of the future to add the home an individual touch!
Relax and enjoy the tranquility of the countryside. Moonbury is a place where you can wander around independently, while the physicians are treating the ailments of their patients. It is possible to meet those around you by visiting the pub, or even fishing to eat dinner. Moonbury offers a distinct charm that creates the illusion that time is slower here that in the big cities. Although the light will fluctuate through the day, with the bright sun streaking across the fields in the morning and street lamps illuminating moonbury's town during the early evening, there aren't any deadlines for game objectives. You are free to go on your own and enjoy the game at your own pace.
You can be a trustworthy companion. There's no reason to move to Moonbury on your own! The dog you trust will be there with you every step of the way. The dog can assist you to discover hidden things and even point you to people who are going about their day.