Ink the Splatlands for the following Splatoon (tm) game.
In the Splatlands in a scorching desert filled with battle-hardened Inklings as well as Octolings. Splatsville is the pulse of the desert isteland.
Turf War* is a strong force under these tough conditions. Combats continue to take place in brand different arenas, in the wilderness.
Innovative new movements help characters dodge attacks as well as cover more ground and a bow-shaped weapon for slinging ink. Watch out for additional details that will be released, and the Splatoon 3 game is scheduled to launch for Nintendo's Switch(tm) system in 2022.
Ink it up with the latest entry from Splatoon.
Explore the Splatlands an exciting sunny region that has trendy inhabitants
Try new Inklings or Octolings styles.
4v4 Turf Wars* are back, with new stages with new moves, as well as new weaponry